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Leslie is a trash-talker

After leaving Spartanburg and getting involved in sustainability movements in New York and renewable energy in Connecticut, Leslie Rodgers is back on hometown soil — and she’s making that soil richer as Education Director & Compost House Coordinator at Atlas Organics.

40 percent of America’s food is never consumed, winding up in local landfills when it could be transformed into the kind of rich soil upon which backyard gardens and local farms thrive. Compost House and Atlas Organics provide innovative and convenient waste management to municipalities, schools, businesses and homes, converting trash into compost and reintroducing it into the soil. 

In her role, Leslie is responsible for growing and promoting food recycling programs, including compost education, program implementation, sustainable living, agriculture advocacy and compost product sales.

She loves that her work allows her to make a difference here, while her kids enjoy the same experiences she remembers from her childhood.